Newsletter & Current Events




Hello Dance Families! Attachment: Spring Newsletter.pdf

  • Attached below is our recent newsletter with important information.  You can also refer to our Policies and Procedures page for any questions. Policies and Procedures


  • We would love to hear from you!  We will be featuring our dancers in our Student Spotlight on social media. If you want your dancer featured, please email a picture and why they love DANCE and why they love TURNING POINTE!


I also wanted to share a short message of encouragement with my dancers and their families.  

During the times in my life when I was terrified that I'd miss my calling and waste my life, one of my favorite verses was Jeremiah 29:11.  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

As they say, "if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. But if you want Him to smile, trust in His plans!"

When we feel part of something more than our own small lives, we often find great peace. In these moments, we can surrender with confidence to a plan we do not fully understand but do fully trust. God's plans can be trusted! Thank you for being a part of his plans at Turning Pointe and making it a safe, happy, and trusted studio for your children!


Blessings in abunDANCE!

Holly Columbus

Holly Columbus


